Benefits of 3D Number Plates

 At Number Plate Print we specialize in high quality 3D number plate print for companies. Today we are going to investigate just some of the benefits for both your business and to your customers. Why blend in when a vehicle has the opportunity to stand out from the crowd?

What are 3D Plates?

In contrast to standard number plates, 3D versions stand out. The effect creates an outlay across letters and numbers meaning they are highly visible. If running a car showroom you are likely already familiar with 3D number plates. Adding clarity and whilst previously attributed to higher priced vehicles, thought processes are now changing.

Do the DVLA allow 3D Plates?

Yes absolutely. As long as the standard, mandatory font is used, 3D numbers and letters can be used. Double check for yourself, here

What are the Benefits?

  • Letters are crystal clear and highly visible, some would say, even more than a standard plate.
  • You can increase the overall aesthetic of the vehicle.
  • 3D number plates are absolutely within the law.
  • It’s a unique way to personalize your vehicle.
  • Vehicles look even more aesthetically pleasing in the showroom setting.
  • It’s an added extra for your customers


Ensure the Correct Spacing

Spacing is completely down to you and is required to be within the specific laws surrounding clarity and legibility. If you are DVLA approved and would like to invest in 3D characters, speak to our team now.

Choose a Supplier Based on Reputation

As leading industry experts we have created many 3D number plate letters and numbers for 3D Number Plates companies across the UK. It’s so important to carry out research in the first instance to ensure all necessary standards are followed. 
